About me

Mihail Mihaylov

I am Product Owner at i.LECO, an energy software company in Belgium. My work helps enable intelligent Renewable Energy Communities tackle the challenges of the energy transition through innovative mechanisms and software.

One related concept I introduced in my earlier research is NRGcoin - a decentralized mechanism for rewarding renewable energy, based on blockchain technology. This novelty was featured in several popular science articles (Intel's iQ, Bitcoin Magazine, Horizon Magazine, Co.Exist and others) and attracted the interest of energy utility companies worldwide. You can watch the 10-minute pitch of the NRGcoin concept as presented at EventHorizon2018.

My doctoral degree I obtained from the AI lab of Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. My research expertise is in the development of multi-agent simulations of decentralized systems and the application of machine learning techniques for intelligent control in real-world domains. You can download my academic CV, or see an online version of it.

Having strong interests in Blockchain, I've given numeours invited talks explaining this technology to both broad and technical audiences alike. I established the Barcelona Bitcoin Community, which I also organized for 2 years. I am currently co-organizing the P2P.Gent blockchain meetup in Gent, Belgium. Blockchain technology and crypto currencies have inspired my side-business project, bringing an idea to a full commercial product that I call TicrThing - a consumer-friendly hardware crypto currency price ticker.

Research topics of interest:

  • Smart grids
  • Renewable energy
  • Multi-agent learning
  • Decentralized systems
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Collective intelligence
  • Mechanism Design

I collaborated in numerous national and international projects and have experience in writing EU proposals for funding and managing a small team of researchers and developers. I have also contributed academic article reviews for numerous editorials.

giving a talk on Bitcoin

giving a talk on Bitcoin

pitching NRGcoin at EventHorizon2017

pitching NRGcoin at EventHorizon2017

demonstrating NRGcoin at Fujitsu World Tour 2017

demonstrating NRGcoin at FujitsuWorldTour2017

lecturing at the INCREASE summer school

lecturing at the INCREASE summer school

presenting my poster at ICT4S'16
The Netherlands

presenting my NRGcoin poster at ICT4S'16

designing our hardware test bed

designing our hardware test bed

lecturing at the INCREASE summer school

showing our demo at PAAMS'16

received Best Demo award at AAMAS15

received Best Demo award at AAMAS'15

my poster on SMARTGREENS2014

my poster on SMARTGREENS'14

defending my Ph.D. thesis

defending my Ph.D. thesis

giving a tutorial in Rostock University

giving a tutorial in Rostock University

presenting my work on AAMAS11

presenting my work on AAMAS'11

presenting my work on ICAART11

presenting my work on ICAART'11

giving a tutorial in Santa Clara

giving a tutorial in Santa Clara

with other co-organizers of MISTA2013

with other co-organizers of MISTA'13